Day Five











Today’s Vibe:

We woke up this morning to frost! FROST?! You may remember when I started this blog, a mere five days ago, it was 27C! Temps hovering around zero and still no heating in the bulk of the house means that it was absolutely bloody knobbling when I first came downstairs! We may have to give in and turn it on soon you know…

Despite the weird white crispy stuff, it was very pretty everywhere so I had a good sing in the shower (check today’s vibe for what I was singing) and I had a glorious early morning drive in Meep (the mini) to a town about 20 mins away to pick up some Sticky Toffee Puddings. I realize that sounds a little random so I’ll explain - we had a fundraiser for our local high school theater department last month - a murder mystery (so fun!). The caterer provided Sticky Toffee Pudding as one of the desserts and it was a ALL people could talk about after the event - they were all obsessed - so we ran a little fundraiser selling a few extras, and today I picked them up and drove them back to distribute. We bought two for ourselves and I’m looking forward to enjoying a helping with some custard a little later - perfect cold weather comfort food!

When I was there talking to the caterer in her driveway, one of her trees started majorly shedding leaves - we’re at that point in the season where the leaves are coming down thick and fast. They were gorgeous and yellow against the blue and they were just kind of dancing around, and I couldn't resist - I reached a casual hand out to try and catch one. I was pretty chill about it, so I didn’t look too insane - and I explained myself and she said that she would try too - and then we both started running around trying to catch leaves for a good few minutes. Then she caught one and seemed to get a hold of herself and realized we looked a bit silly and said she must get on and went inside. But it was a fun few minutes just being a bit crazy with a virtual stranger! She’ll most likely never cater one of our events ever again…

Then (fun day today, I did do bits of work in-between my excursions), I went to Target! If you’re reading this and you’re not in the US you may not know about Target, but, suffice it to say, it’s a fun place to go. You can get everything from food to plates to beanbags to clothing, stationary, toys, iPhones, soda streams - you name it, Target has it. And it’s nicely laid out and branded and not remotely snooty and upmarket - but not basic either. Honestly, Target’s great - go there if you get the chance! Anyway, my reason for going to Target - was that my middle child (daughter at uni in the UK) had sent me a TikTok of all the crazy Christmas ornaments they have there - they have a prawn cocktail, a glass lump of bacon, a glass stick of butter - all kinds of crazy, so I thought we definitely needed some of those today. And when I was there I also found a very snuggly soft outfit that kind of looks smart, especially if you pair it with a long coat/jacket/ cardi, but is actually basically PAJAMAS!!!!!! So I’m going to definitely wear that outfit to work from home tomorrow. So all in all a pretty productive shopping excursion. So….

Today I am grateful for:

Sticky Toffee Pudding - Because those little delicious containers of joy brought people together and led to my crazy leaf catching adventure, and because I get to eat some in a bit - NOM!

Target - I mean, what’s not to love?

Tik Tok - This is a weird one - sometimes I hate it - especially when I find myself sat on the loo with a cold tush because I’ve gone down a TikTok rabbit hole for twenty minutes. But I also love the way, when we see something funny/ relevant/ interesting, we share it within our little family. It’s another way to stay connected.

Leaves - even if they won’t let me catch them

Join the Gratitude Cloud!

Each day I’m creating a word cloud from the things that YOU are grateful for. The idea is that we can all look at it and see the things that other people are grateful for and maybe that will make us be grateful for those things our lives too - one big cloud of gratitude and positivity! Here’s the one from yesterday. If you’d like to join in today then fill out the form below.


Day Six


Day Four