Day Two









Today’s Vibe:

Day two and I have to admit I’m really not feeling it today. As in, not feeling positive and grateful at all - which actually is exactly why I’m writing this blog and what I’m trying to overcome, so… I suppose it’s a good thing? See how I turned something around and made it positive?!

So what’s been going on today? Honestly, not a lot. Mondays are always slightly stressful work-wise as I catch up with clients and set expectations for the week. I got all the way to 2:45pm without leaving the house/ my desk which always drives me crazy. I operate best when I get out first thing for a walk, but… you remember the blister from Sunday? I still can’t get a shoe on my foot, so no stomping on the NVRT for me today.

2:45pm was school pick up - and my day got briefly exciting as the pick-up line coincided with a nice guy called Derrick from Crumbl Cookies calling trying to deliver cookies to my daughter’s boyfriend in Virginia. My daughter is in the UK and can’t take international calls and the cookies were a surprise so she had provided my number. I had zero idea where the cookies were supposed to be delivered and poor Derrick was getting very stressed, and THEN my youngest got in the car meaning I had to drive, so she had to take my phone and talk to Derrick….and suffice it to say it all got a little confusing and the cookies were eventually left with someone random in a stock room in the Physics building. The good news is they did eventually find their intended recipient - or rather, he walked half a mile and found them - but all’s well that ends well.

I’ve just generally been feeling a little wallowy today. I’m really upset about Matthew Perry, probably more than I ought to be. The whole thing just makes me feel old. I hadn't realized Lisa Kudrow was 60. I remember like it was just yesterday an Easter break I stayed up at Keele (my uni)with my friend Jules in her house. We watched Friends every night and drank “Tony’s cocktails” (frozen mush). The same break my now husband came up to see me and we went out to a restaurant called Pinocchios and I ate snails (was I trying to impress him?!). I was at the same restaurant just a few weeks ago with my two oldest kids - because my son happens to go to the same uni I went to. The restaurant has changed hands now and it’s quite a nice Italian but it just really threw me that it had changed. In my mind it was frozen in time as the snail place. In my head I’m still that 20 year old doing a degree and watching Friends and drinking cheap frozen cocktails. Where has the time gone? How is Chandler Bing dead?

Then there’s the Middle East. Honestly I just don’t know what to think apart from “Make it stop” which, I know, isn’t super helpful. No matter how much I try to educate myself on what’s happening and on the history of the region I just can’t get to the bottom of what I should be thinking. Tonight in my town I read that loads of people had their Israeli flag lawn signs stolen last night, and in a neighboring town someone daubed paint - actually red handprints on one of the signs. I also heard that last week a Jewish child at our local high school had a swastika painted in their car parking space. On the flip side I’ve heard of Muslims being targeted too, and of teachers afraid to support Muslim students because of fear of being accused of being antisemitic. What an absolute mess, and we’re 5,600 miles away (I looked that up). I can’t even begin to imagine what life is like in Gaza right now or how October 7th and the aftermath have felt for those closely involved. The whole situation is totally depressing.

So, with all the above being my general mood today it’s super important I dig deep and find some things to be grateful for - and not just, “Thank God I don’t live in Gaza”. So here goes:

Today I am grateful for:

My car (Meep) - my “glimmer” today - that moment when you feel a flash of happiness, was when my youngest was driving me in my lovely, happy blue Mini Cooper to an appointment, and suddenly we were at the top of a dip in the road, everything opened up and we accelerated just a wee bit and everything just looked so beautiful and felt so good for a second.

Kombucha - I drink a bottle a day and this afternoon I really needed a Kevita ginger kombucha pick me up!

My Birkenstock clogs - because I still can’t get a proper shoe on and they have kept my feet warm on this chilly day!


Meep the Mini actually has an IG account. Because… why not? You can follow them @miniadventureswithmeep


Word Cloud

Yesterday I invited people to send in the things they were grateful for so we could all feel all the lovely things we’re all grateful for. I created a word cloud here. I’m going to do one each day so if you’d like to join in please fill out the form below with the three things you’re grateful for today.


Day Three


Day One