Day Eight









Today’s Vibe:

I spent the bulk of today standing on the corner of 120th and Mount Morris in Harlem, cheering on people who were running in the New York City Marathon. What a fantastic example of humanity at its best! So many people putting in so much effort, having trained for MONTHS just for this day. They were achieving personal goals, raising money for charities they are passionate about, being cheered on by thousands of people (and their dogs, there were a lot of dogs). If only we could bottle all the good will and positivity of the day and somehow disseminate it all over the world right now. This is what it’s about - people, able-bodied and with disabilities, from all walks of life, all ages, all states, all political parties, all countries, running together and supporting one another. It was a great day. I even briefly thought “Hey, maybe I should run a marathon!” before getting a grip and realizing my talents are much better spent cheering on other people and posting about it on social media!

Anyway, if you ran the NYC marathon today - HUGE congratulations to you - what an incredible feat!

Today also happened to be a beautiful day - not too hot, not too cold, lots of sunshine. I live in Connecticut and it has rained every weekend for about 9 weeks - so having a dry weekend was a real bonus. I also got to explore Harlem a little but - which I’ve never done before. There was one absolutely beautiful tree lined street with classic New York brownstones along it, funky Halloween directions and kids playing in the street. Gorgeous. Then we stopped for lunch and there was a jazz trio playing outside the next restaurant over, so very funky vibes. I love living out in the countryside but I also absolutely love the city - most cities actually - I love all the different people going about their lives and the bustle and the noise and even the traffic and the smells (probably because I don’t actually have a very strong sense of smell!). We stepped over a dead rodent today - I think it was a mouse not a rat because it was quite small. And I know that’s not nice, but it’s INTERESTING and cool - and all part of being in the city.

Anyway, right now it’s time for a cup of tea and to think about dinner. But all in all, a good day full of some very positive vibes (and a dead mouse).

Today I am grateful for:

The NYC Marathon - for bringing people together in an amazing way

Tree lined avenues - that look like they’re out of a movie

Hearing - Being able to hear - the sounds of today - from the cheers and the cowbells to the music being pumped out of a nearby tent to dogs barking, children ringing their bike bells and that jazz band. I’m so grateful for the richness being able to hear brings me ( big musician so I’m very tuned in to hearing things!)

Gratitude Cloud Time

If you’re new to the blog then you mightn’t know that every day I ask people to share the things that they’re grateful for today - and then I pop them into a Gratitude Cloud (aka word cloud) so that we can all share and see what other people are happy about and grateful for. Please join in by filling out the form and look out for tomorrow’s cloud. Here’s the one from this weekend. Thanks everyone for sharing!


Day Nine


Day Seven