Day Nine









Today’s vibe:

Today, I just felt a little…flat. I needed to leave my desk mid-morning to buy something from Michaels (arts and crafts shop for the non-Americans reading this) for the lobby display for the show that opens this week. I’m not sure if I mentioned it before but one of my volunteer roles is President of our local high school Theater Arts Association. Anyway, Michaels was FULL of Christmas! As in it looked, and smelled sooo Christmassy. So much so that they actually had their Xmas trees on 40% off - which seems a little premature. So, I had a browse around and picked up a tacky ornament for the tree (pink typewriter - fab, eh?) and then just got hit by a wave of “I miss my big kids” sadness. Which is strange, because they will be home for Christmas, so really I should have been getting an excited wave of Christmas-being-soon-and-getting-to-see-them-ness, but instead it just hit home that they’re not here. And I was pretty sad for a couple of hours to be honest. Which is silly really, because they are both doing exactly what they should be doing and what we wanted them to do. But sometimes, emotions just overcome the rationality and you just miss them.

To cheer myself up, I popped into TJ Maxx and bought myself a coat (reduced from $199 to $69 - total bargain!) and then I texted my other half to see if he wanted lunch, and went to our favorite local lunch time place, Naked Greens, where I bought some nice comforting chili which I came home and ate at my desk.

The afternoon featured some work and then some volunteering working on costumes for the show (lots of theater stuff this week with the show opening on Thursday).

I dunno, sometimes when you’re just not really feeling it you just have to look after yourself. When I’ve finished this I’m planning to change into my comfies and curl up on the sofa with a nice cup of tea and a hot water bottle.

Today, I am grateful for:

Naked Greens Chilli - it really is NOM and very comforting and warming too.

Soul mates - I married mine 22 years ago and although he can drive me crazy he also totally KNOWS me and always has my back. There’s no one else I’d rather whinge to about feeling flat and having a crappy day.

The little pink typewriter ornament - I’m looking forward to the big kids unwrapping all the silly ornaments I’ve been buying this year and putting them on the tree when they get home.

Gratitude Cloud:

Share the three (or more) things you’re grateful for today to be part of our Gratitude Cloud! Just fill in the form below. The latest cloud is here.


Day Ten


Day Eight