Day Ten









Today’s Vibe:

Ten days down, 355 to go! It’s hard to know if this experiment/ exercise is working yet. I mean, it is still early days. What I do know though is that I was out of the house working on those theater costumes again tonight - and I just finished dinner at 8:30pm I feel that without this blog I wouldn't be stopping to think about what’s been good in my day, I’d just be crashing out in front of a medical drama. So, the blog is forcing me to pause today and think about my day - which seems like it might be a good thing…

Today was Election Day! I still get quite excited about Election Day because I spent the first 12 years I lived over here unable to vote. I could actually still vote in the the UK but it was a whole PROCESS - so despite being really quite a politically interested person, I had only voted on key issues - like Brexit - I made sure I voted on that one.

So today in my town we were just voting for local officials - Board of Ed, Board of Finance, First Select Person (I hate they still call the role selectman - especially when the current incumbent is female and the only person running in this election is also a woman. It’s ridiculous). I have kids in the school system and there’s been a whole thing in town lately about Board of Education budgets and town budgets etc - so I made sure I was pretty well informed going in to those. But then there was also planning and zoning… erm… and something else… eek. Urgh, I have to confess I was kind of cross with myself. I firmly believe it’s a voter’s responsibility to educate themselves on the candidates and their positions etc - and we have an amazing local online newspaper in this town that goes to a lot of time and energy to make sure we have all the information we need in and that it’s easily accessible - but, I guess maybe because those things haven’t really come up for me yet - the whole planning and zoning thing, I just haven’t really formed opinions. So, I left those ones blank - because I just didn’t know enough - and then I felt AWFUL. I mean, people literally died so I could have the vote. Admittedly, Emmeline Pankhurst probably wasn't too concerned about two acre zoning, but, it’s the principle of the thing. I vow to do better next time and to make sure I have opinions and am making rational choices about every race on the ballot. You can’t really complain if you don’t vote - and I dooo like to complain!

Today, one of the kids in the show I’m working on who has just turned 18 got to vote for the first time - and that made me feel pretty happy. I still remember the thrill of my first general election vote - 1997 in the UK - we all thought we were ushering in a new future. It was before I got old and cynical and it felt so full of promise. Even though today was just a local election, I hope that 18 year old got that thrill today and the excitement of being able to take part and to have a voice. We all need to remember how important that right is and not take it for granted.

Lots of show related stress and busyness this week as I knew there would be. Our costumer was pretty sick last week so that has left a LOT still to do and we’re pretty much frantically throwing random items at the kids and telling them “it’ll do for now”. I’ve been involved in theater for about 10 years at this point so I know it pretty much always comes together on the night (or at least by night two), but tech week isn’t nicknamed “hell week” for nothing. It’s been a long day.

OK time for the list…

Today I’m grateful for:

Democracy - I think. I mean, it seems pretty messed up and I really feel that if the Founding Fathers had meant the constitution to be interpreted completely literally for the next ten thousand years they should have thought things though a little more. Is it really constitutionally possible to have a sitting president who is incarcerated or who can pardon themselves? It seems so. “That’ll never happen Jefferson, can we just focus on what percentage of a person this slave chap is?”. Anyway - it’s EMPOWERING to have the opportunity to vote and have a voice and it’s important that young people are engaged and are voting. They are just honestly SO much cooler than us and they tend to be so much more inclusive and rational and are not yet horribly jaded and haven't given up. So yay for democracy and for 18 year olds being able to vote.

Gen Z - similar theme. I really feel this generation - that my kids are a part of, have dealt with so much and been handed such a mess an it has made them such activists and engaged citizens. The fact that one day soon they will be running this place gives me so much hope for the future.

Amazon Prime - Oh God I feel awful writing that. But when you’re trying to costume around 35 - 40 kids and the show opens in two nights Amazon Prime is ESSENTIAL - plus, such easy returns - am I right?!

Gratitude Cloud?

So I’m thinking maybe people aren’t loving the whole gratitude cloud idea. At least, I’m not really getting enough responses to make a fun cloud some days. So let’s treat this is as kind of vote - which is kind of in keeping with today’s blog! If you like the gratitude cloud and want it to stay then please fill out the form below (just check no for the email thing - I have to have that on there but you can just say no). But if you feel kind of “Meh” about it and I don’t get many responses, I’ll let it go. But just do me one favor, try to at least pause and think of three things you’re grateful for each day - I think it’s a good exercise! Here’s the latest cloud.


Day Eleven


Day Nine