Day Eleven









Today’s Vibe:

Another work-combined-with-theater day today. Worked on some graphics and social media for clients earlier in the day and then started pulling everything together we needed to create our lobby display that we were building this afternoon. The show is an Agatha Christie and a fellow board member came up with the idea of a police crime board. We put most of it together this afternoon and although we think it’s needs a few finishing touches, it looks pretty good. Then I went over and helped on costumes and little bit this evening. The kids are looking great and the show is coming together - good job really as it opens tomorrow night!

Bit of a rant here about how much I love theater and the theater community. Tech week is always insane - the wheels are falling off in all directions, the kids are exhausted, nothing’s ready, someone invariably doesn't know their lines - then there’s always a last minute drama. I produced several shows a few years back and some of our dramas included a bat in the auditorium, a missing kid who had actually not been picked up by the person who was supposed to grab him so instead ran several miles to the theater, arrived looking like he’d been hit like a train and went into shock right before the show, a leading lady vomiting right before the show and her very underprepared understudy wigging out because it looked like she would have to go on and then at the last minute the original actress stepped on the stage (no one was more surprised than me!). There are more. There is ALWAYS something. But then, opening night just... happens, and everyone is euphoric and all the stress is forgotten. Gotta love the theater.

The other thing I love about it is the collaborative spirit - all the parent volunteers pulling together to do all the behind the scenes stuff. I have made so many amazing memories over the years within the theater community. You really can’t beat it.


Today I am grateful for:

Theater - it’s provides a safe place and a home for kids from all walks of life and they are always accepting of and kind to one another. Plus, nothing beats the high of pulling off a great opening night in front of a live audience - whether you’re on the stage or behind the scenes.

Brains that work well with my brain - there’s a particular board member I’ve known for slightly more than a year at this point and we just work well together - ideas spark and things get DONE. It feels good. There are other brains that I’ve been working with that just sync with mine too. It is a great feeling to be working towards a common goal with people who you’re in tune with. Brains are awesome.

Iced vanilla lattes - because… coffee. This one’s a bit desperate - I couldn’t really think of a third one. But I did rock up to Starbies today and meet up with my husband and daughter who had already bought me my coffee and it was a nice moment - so I’m including it!!


Day Ten